The FEDUP Conference is unique in that it is inviting every voice possible to the table. In the field of eating disorders, there is often a large disconnect between researchers, clinicians on the ground, and those who are not in academia, such as advocates and clients. The conference brings people from all of these groups together in order to imagine more meaningful change. We need thinkers with different experiences, backgrounds, lenses, and stakes to facilitate and spur ideas that impact all of us.

- Mimi Cole (she/her), MS, LPC-MHSP (temp)

What makes this conference different?

This conference is different because there will not be speakers, it is [the first?!] non-hierarchical, peer-led, discussion driven eating disorder conference centering marginalized voices.

This is exciting because speakers are not underpaid for high labor, it creates more balance in the typical power dynamic of one expert, allowing room for richer conversations that integrate perspective of various persons. This set-up allows for more tangible changes that are grounded in a more representative reflection of those impacted.

The conference is centered around marginalized identities because it is the voices of those who have been (and continue to be left behind) that are crucial for making changes that help all of us heal.

What does each day look like?

Each session will begin with a breakout portion (available both in person and via breakout rooms on zoom) for smaller group discussion. Each session will follow the same structure: What is working well in eating disorder care as it pertains to _____? What needs to be improved? How do we make those improvements — whether in therapeutic approach, organizational policy change, or other avenues? This will be followed by a larger group discussion to bring those ideas together on a larger scale and create big picture ideas, connecting dots about what themes arise. Designated scribes will help to catalog ideas for visual learners and allow for continued reflection and conversations beyond the conference.

Thursday, May 25th: Patient Care

9:45am EST Opening

10am to 12pm EST Session 1 - Gender

12pm-1pm EST Break for Lunch

1pm-3pm EST Session 2 - Class

3pm-5pm EST Session 3 - Disability & Neurodiversity

Friday, May 26th: Patient Care

9:45am EST Opening

10am-12pm EST Session 1 - Race

12pm-1pm EST Break for Lunch

1pm-3pm EST Session 2 - Body Size

3pm-5pm EST Session 3 - Reflections & Community Discussion

Saturday: May 27th: Provider Care

10am-11am EST Somatic Liberation Activities

11am-12pm EST How We Deal With Industry Harm + Strategies for Institutional Change

12pm-1pm EST Break for Lunch

1pm-2pm EST Collective Dream Mapping

2pm-3pm EST Feedback, Reflections, Closing Activity

What are the benefits of attending?

Participants will leave the conference with multiple actionable steps they can take to make their practice both more inclusive and more effective.

Participants will have access to creating community with people also committed to intersectional healing.

There will be shared intentional spaces for individuals in helping professions to receive their own support in community.

Space to dream and envision and reimagine eating disorder access that is equitable and allows for healing for all.

What about accessibility?

During registration, you can let us know what your access needs are.

What we have planned so far:

Truly hybrid model accessible virtually and in person to expand dialogue

Integrates multiple learning styles (visual, audio, hands-on)

Prioritizes breaks and nourishment to care for the people attending

Size inclusive seating

Captioning (both online and for our teleconferencing in person)

An ask for no/low fragrance

Wheelchair accessible (and ADA compliant)

Gender neutral restrooms

De-stimulation / de-escalation space

ASL upon request